What is ISO 50001 & why might you need ISO 50001 certification?
ISO 50001, the “Energy Management System” standard, helps reduce energy consumption costs and greenhouse gas emissions via helping organizations to use energy productively. The standard facilitates the compliance with provisions through establishing the basis of energy management in any size organization. However, organizations relying on heavy use of energy, can benefit highly from adopting this standard.

iso 50001

Requirements for ISO 50001 show parallels to ISO 9001 (Quality Management System) and ISO 14001 (Environment Management System) standards, and build an efficient structure for an Energy Management System.

Implementation phases of ISO 50001 system:
The standard is based on a methodology known as PACP, or “Plan – Apply – Control – Take Precautions”:

  • Plan: Determine the actions to be taken in line with provisions, goals and purposes related to energy and energy management system,
  • Apply: Build the management system by using resources, set up documentation and implement the system by carrying out the related controls,
  • Control: Checking the energy management system with measures and tracking programs,
  • Take Precautions: Make changes and arrangements for continuous development.

Entities fulfilling the requirements of ISO 50001 and wishing to certify their system can realize it by an independent third party certification.

How can you apply or learn more?
To apply or request more information about ISO 9001 certification you can contact one of our specialists directly via the contact form below.