Alıcılar ve tüccarlar için satın alma sürecinin her aşamasında yapılan denetimleri ve denetimleri gösteren iş akışımız:

Factory Inspection and Audit Workflow for Buyers and Traders with INSPECCO Tedarikçi Seçimi Denetimleri Kapsamlı Kalite Denetim Basit Kalite Denetim Sosyal Denetim Çevre Denetimi Ön Üretim Kontrol Ön Üretim Kontrol Üretim Denetimleris İmalat Gözetimleri İlk Madde Muayene Üretim Sırasında Muayene Hata Kontrolu Yükleme Hazırlı Kontrolu Ambalaj Kontrolu Yükleme Öncesi Kontrolu Yükleme Gözetimleri Hata Kontrolu L/C Tarafsız Gözetim Ürün Geliş Kontrolu Boşaltma Gözetimleri Kurulum ve Montaj Kontrolu L/C Tarafsız Gözetim

We offer five types of inspections during the shipment preparation phase of purchasing, to help you ensure the quality standards for your products are met before they are shipped:

  • Packing Inspection (PI): This inspection is performed while your product is packed into boxes prior to shipment. It ensures that quality is maintained and no damage is done to your products while they are packed.
  • Pre-Shipment Inspection (PSI): This inspection is done right before or after loading, in order to check/ensure the quality of your products right before shipment.
  • Defect Inspection (DI): This inspection is done as an optional addition to the PSI. It involves checking for defected products before shipment.
  • Loading Inspection (LI): This inspection is done during the loading process, to ensure that your products are loaded into their shipping container properly without being damaged.
  • Letter of Credit Inspection (LCI): This inspection is done as an optional addition to the LI. It involves checking for the Letter of Credit documentation required for the trade transaction to take place.