Alıcılar ve tüccarlar için satın alma sürecinin her aşamasında yapılan denetimleri ve denetimleri gösteren iş akışımız:

Factory Inspection and Audit Workflow for Buyers and Traders with INSPECCO Tedarikçi Seçimi Denetimleri Kapsamlı Kalite Denetim Basit Kalite Denetim Sosyal Denetim Çevre Denetimi Ön Üretim Kontrol Ön Üretim Kontrol Üretim Denetimleris İmalat Gözetimleri İlk Madde Muayene Üretim Sırasında Muayene Hata Kontrolu Yükleme Hazırlı Kontrolu Ambalaj Kontrolu Yükleme Öncesi Kontrolu Yükleme Gözetimleri Hata Kontrolu L/C Tarafsız Gözetim Ürün Geliş Kontrolu Boşaltma Gözetimleri Kurulum ve Montaj Kontrolu L/C Tarafsız Gözetim

What is a Social Audit & why might you need one?

Our Social Audit is performed at the Supplier Selection stage. Having at least one Supplier Selection Audit is recommended if you are dealing with a new supplier for the first time to ensure you know who you are dealing with before you do business with them.

Our Social Audit includes checking quality criteria per ethical standards that can greatly help in ensuring that you do business with a supplier that treats its employees in an ethical manner.

What do we check during a Social Audit?

Depending upon the requests of the client, we can check for the following:

  • Healthy and safe working environment
  • Lack of discrimination
  • Lack of child labor or forced labor
  • Right to collective bargaining
  • Ethical disciplinary practices
  • Ethical working hours

Where are audits performed?

We perform Social Audits at supplier factories throughout Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and the Asian Pacific.

How can you apply or learn more?

To request more information about this audit, obtain a free quotation, or apply for an audit, please click contact us via the contact form below.