Alıcılar ve tüccarlar için satın alma sürecinin her aşamasında yapılan denetimleri ve denetimleri gösteren iş akışımız:

Factory Inspection and Audit Workflow for Buyers and Traders with INSPECCO Tedarikçi Seçimi Denetimleri Kapsamlı Kalite Denetim Basit Kalite Denetim Sosyal Denetim Çevre Denetimi Ön Üretim Kontrol Ön Üretim Kontrol Üretim Denetimleris İmalat Gözetimleri İlk Madde Muayene Üretim Sırasında Muayene Hata Kontrolu Yükleme Hazırlı Kontrolu Ambalaj Kontrolu Yükleme Öncesi Kontrolu Yükleme Gözetimleri Hata Kontrolu L/C Tarafsız Gözetim Ürün Geliş Kontrolu Boşaltma Gözetimleri Kurulum ve Montaj Kontrolu L/C Tarafsız Gözetim

To help you ensure that the production of your product is being done in high-quality manner, we offer three varieties of production inspections:

Why get a Production Inspection?

  • See that your supplier is producing your products as required, at required stages of production
  • Ensure that your supplier is implementing a proper quality control system to minimize defected products
  • Check for defected products

Which Production Inspection is right for me?

To give you maximum quality assurance, we recommend our Production Monitoring (PM) inspection, as it covers several stages of the production process, to ensure that your products are being produced in a suitable manner from the first few sets to the final batches.

As a minimum, we recommend the During Production Inspection (DPI), which can be performed at whatever stage you would like during production (usually after around 80% of your products have been produced).

An optional addition to the During Production Inspection is our Defect Sorting Service (DSS), which includes checking for defects in the products that have been produced so far. It is useful for minimizing defects before the pre-shipment/shipment stage.

If you have a large order or are having your supplier produce a complex or new product, we recommend the First Article Inspection (FAI), which includes checking the condition of the first products being produced. It is very useful for avoiding defected products later in the production process.

If you are unsure about which Supplier Selection Audit(s) may be best for you, contact us and we can provide you with a free no-obligation consultation.

Where are Production Inspections performed?

We perform Production Inspections at supplier factories throughout Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and the Asian Pacific.

Why choose INSPECCO?

Ensuring the integrity of the production of your products can be a very difficult process if you cannot visit the supplier yourself or if you do not have the knowledge needed to make a proper assessment of the supplier’s production process. INSPECCO can put people at your supplier’s location (see locations below) with the competence needed to perform a proper assessment of the supplier’s production process.